Pain in the lumbar region of the back – a very common phenomenon. Paleontologists and biologists believe that this is the consequence of this development acquisitions, like bipedalism.
The main reasons
One can distinguish two groups of reasons that contribute to the emergence of pain in the lumbar.
Diseases of the spine and internal organs
The pain can occur due to congenital or acquired diseases.
So, to the innate vices in particular include:
- changes and the cleft of vertebrae;
- the irregular shape of the processes of the vertebrae, their shortening or lengthening.
Cleft vertebrae: 1,2 rear, 3,4-side, 5-7-front
Data problems can be completely asymptomatic or is accompanied by acute pain when performing certain types of předklonů, difficulty in moving, problems with urination, mental retardation.
The reasons for back pain may have and neurological nature when:
- interference to the nerves in the spine (can be described such pain as a strong and sudden);
- lumbar osteochondrosis, which develops due to a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle and provokes a nagging pain due to the increase in the muscles;
- sciatica, characterized by atrophic changes of the sciatic nerve (most commonly pain in this disease is transferred to the buttocks, arises suddenly and suddenly).
- diffuse sclerosis (a chronic autoimmune disease affects the packaging of the nerve fibers of the spinal cord and the brain raises the pain of various localization, severity, and heavily it is curable).
In addition, the sharp pain of a similar nature can also cause:
- the degenerative sacroiliitis — severe disease, presenting each other purulent-inflammatory process on the surface of the sacro-iliac joint;
- osteoporosis, whose reason — the lack of calcium in the body or violation of his exchange (in the initial stages of the disease is characterized by chronic aching, pain, cramping, change in body posture).
Another type of pain in the lumbar — pain, which reflects the character.
Can act a characteristic symptom of a number of diseases of various organs and systems:
- infections of the genitourinary system (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis);
- unstable bowel disease and cancer of the digestive system;
- hemorrhoids, whether from a sedentary job;
- tumors and polyps in the uterus;
- complications after colds (sore throat, flu, SARS);
- radiculitis (provoke lumbar pain, gives step).
In some cases, the cause may be:
- physiological changes (pregnancy, childbirth, menstruation);
- excessive physical exercise (especially lifting weights);
- a sharp set of weight;
- epidurals laterally anesthesia.
In which diseases and conditions sore shoulders?
Causes of pain in men

Lumbar pain in men can have different etiologies and are characterized by their characteristic properties.
Age and hormonal changes have little impact on android's spine, but often problems with the prostate gland can cause the characteristic deep, weakly expressed pain.
The main reasons for pain in the lumbar region in men can be attributed to:
Stretching the muscles
Often people engaged in the nature of their activities, physical labor, have weak muscles of the back, especially in terms of the broadest muscles.
The ability to properly allocate the physical burden is the need to regenerate.
When lifting weights untrained person all the weight transferred to the lower back, and not on the biceps, triceps, or the muscles of the thoracic department. The result is a stretching of the widest back muscles.
Stretching when the pain appears, then, arises, decreases when the hot pack, warming ointment.
It can be felt, when the long-standing, and hand in supine position.
The cause of the fractures can be serious injuries, and so banal bruise.
When you change the position of the intervertebral disc fracture of the lumbar spine can cause even a wrong step or loss of balance.
A symptom of a fracture is acute pain in the lower part of the lower back or in the coccyx.
Sometimes the pain may move to the upper or lower limbs, amplified when you change the position of the body.
Metastasis tumors of the genital organs
Pain from metastases of bone tissue of the spine the strongest, sometimes turning in unbearable.
A visit to the oncologist cannot be further delayed, if it hurts the shoulders and the testicles and / or penis.
A similar pain is possible only alleviate the strong medications, the process of piglets necrotic changes in the tissues of the stops with the most likely to fail.
Kidney disease
About a third of male patients with back pain suffer from kidney problems.
Pain in the kidney area intensifies during movements and long-term presence in an upright position. At rest the pain subsides.
If long standing, the pain may gradually increase.
This happens due to the fact that the liquid is rising on the kidneys and creates excess pressure on the spine.
After alcohol pain in the lower back can also confirm.
This disease causes waist pain on the right side and in the back. Sometimes the pain gives to the groin.
Other symptoms of prostatitis are burning sensation when urinating, problems with erection.
The main reason for the disease – it is a stagnation of blood in the capillaries, or a bacterial infection.
Causes of pain in women

The female body is constantly exposed to changes and hormonal shakings.
Some kinds of pain in the woman's body arise in the standard and are a warning sign.
Feelings of pain associated with the menstrual cycle
The pain, which in different phases of the menstrual cycle, it is not necessarily indicative of a particular pathology:
- When the monthly increase in size of the uterus puts pressure on your back muscles, causing discomfort;
- If the pain sensations arise from the monthly salary for 7-8 days and give into the pain, then this suggests the need for revision of the diets. It is better to include in the diet of more foods rich in dietary fiber and fruit acids.
- Pain in the middle of the cycle may be associated with the release of the egg from the ovary;
- Pain after a month is indicative of the problems in the work of the reproductive system, in this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor.
Pain caused by pregnancy
In the first weeks, when a woman doesn't even know about their situation, it can hurt the shoulders and underbelly. These pains nature resemble premenstrual and often do not coincide with them conditions.
Delayed menstruation in this case we can talk about pregnancy or infectious process.
Sometimes they are possible to small blood discharge, are associated with the introduction of the gestational sac in the wall of the uterus.
If pain lower abdomen and loins, but of menstruation, not the first thing you need to do is a pregnancy test.
Often these pains will be accompanied by a woman in the course of a few months, in such cases, the doctor offers a reception preparations with magnesium.
During pregnancy, especially in the last timing, the majority of women are struggling with pain below or above the loins.
This is due to the fact that growing belly is a greater burden on the back muscles.
If the pain is constant, and is associated with active activities, future mother requires a supporting bandage, which distribute the load between different groups of muscles.
If it hurts the shoulders during sleep and in the morning, most likely a woman sleeping in an uncomfortable position.
Help may special pillows for sleeping, which support the body and prevent muscle tension. Back pain in the night must pass.
Towards the end of the period the pain may concentrate on lower back pain on the right side or on the left side: it is indicative of the position of the fetus, and the curvature of the posture.
The pain can take place in pregnant, when it sits, completely leaning on a crutch.
After a miscarriage
Women who choose to terminate their pregnancy, or who are medically, in almost 100% of cases complain of pain after the abortion.
Causes of pain can be:
- inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus (endometritis);
- stressful condition of the women;
- the reduction of the uterus after an abortion.
When the pain can give in the legs, or concentrate in the lower part of the lower back.
The pain associated with childbirth
After childbirth women often feel pain in the back. Sometimes the pain is localized there, where is the tailbone or where the sacrum. It is associated with trauma and sprains, obtained at the time of birth.
Draw your attention to pain, it is possible that practicing special gymnastics during pregnancy or while visiting the pool.
Nursing moms can also carry out a comprehensive workout, focusing on his posture.
If the pain is accompanied by a rise of temperature to 37 degrees and above, the woman abruptly throws to the heat, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Maybe it's a contagious process.
The pain caused by the diseases of the female reproductive system
To a typically female disease, a symptom, which acts like pain in the lower back include:
Inflammation of the bladder
It is the inflammation of the bladder, characteristics of the to a greater extent women. Cystitis is easily treated and diagnosed.
Hand over urine on the subject, that this disease is worth it, if during urination is felt the burning, pulling of the lower part of the back when tilted forward, increased body temperature.
Infectious processes in the vagina
A number of inflammation in women causes pain in a lying down position on his stomach.
It can be candidiasis, bacterial or viral disease.
Such pain can be a symptom of lesions of the kidneys.
Inflammation of the appendages
If my wife hurts me loins and ovaries, feel a burning sensation when urinating, the temperature has risen above 38 degrees, it is the need for ULTRASONIC examination-diagnosis and treatment under the supervision of a specialist (a course of injections, or the intake of oral medicines).
Pain associated with diseases of internal organs
Disease of the intestines or stomach can cause pain in the spine.
Sometimes the pain in these disorders can greatly irradiation — put in the legs, or put on the belly.
A similar clinical picture is related to the fact that the brain wrong of artist signal, that is offered to him by the authorities.
If it hurts the shoulders and the right hand side, it shows problems with the liver or pancreas.Pain on the left side is indicative of appendicitis or intestinal colic.
On the left side of the pain may occur during jogging or other physical exercises. It passes quickly, and poses no danger to health.
In the area of the coccyx it is possible to armor and pull of pain.
What to do?
The use of the ointment
This kind of drugs is very effective when you need to quickly restore health in the home.

The ointment helps to relieve the inflammation, stretching, has the action of warming, if the cold shoulders.
Issue the following group of ointment:
- anti-inflammatory analgesics (in their composition does not contain a medicinal substance of cooling action, removing irritation — menthol, lavender and analgesics);
- combination drugs (used for sprains and injuries, along with anti-inflammatory and painkillers by the action of the have a healing effect on the expense included in their composition of heparin, dimethylsulfoxide);
- medication irritating effect (effect is based on the expansion of blood vessels and inflow of blood to the source of the pain);
- chondroprotectors (one of the active ingredients of these drugs is chondroitin sulfate, used in the pathological processes in cartilage, to support the active restoration of cartilage surfaces of the joints).
The action, which is achieved by injection, similarly as receive the corresponding ointments or oral medications.
The hallmarks of this type of treatment are:
- Speed. The rapid elimination of pain is possible only by means of hit the drugs on the blood or muscle.
- The effectiveness of the. Crampons allow you to deliver the active ingredient to the target. The active substance is destroyed in the digestive tract.
- The need for the presence of an expert. Do you inject yourself, it is difficult, so it is necessary, or daily entrance to the medical center, or call the sisters at the house.
- It is possible to use only according to the instructions of the doctor. Than to treat the nausea and severe pain by injection can only recommend the doctor and will prescribe the necessary medication. Buy most of them it is possible only on prescription.
This way, how to get rid of pain refers rather to the means of folk medicine.
Warming well to help with pain following the nature — sprains, hernia, curvature, osteochondrosis.
In such cases it is recommended to conduct up to 10 procedures per day.
During the infectious process of warming causes the blood flow to the affected property of the tissue and increases the pain.

Massage perfectly helps to get rid of pain in the lumbar spine.
It can be to entrust a specialist in the clinic or carried out in home conditions, in each case, that the benefit from it will be invaluable.
The positive therapeutic effects of massage include the following:
- improve blood supply to the diseased part of the body;
- to massage the muscles, what it does, and ligaments more flexible and elastic;
- the elimination of acute pain;
- how to get rid of the accumulated in the muscles and subcutaneous tissue of toxins;
- pleasant sensations due to the stimulation of the nerve endings of the skin;
- the positive emotions.
It is good, when massage is combined with the adoption of a spa or sauna.
Particularly useful steam brooms made from birch or oak trees, which perfectly stimulates all the processes of life and increases the overall tone of the body.